LAKHANPUR, KATHUA JAMMU & KASHMIR

           Affilated by University of Jammu, UGC Recognised & Graded by NAAC


Chairman’s Message:

Humanity is passing through trying times. Human values stand thoroughly eroded. There is an awful lack of fellow-feelings. Each individual lives for himself or at the most for his family. 'Let-devil-take-the-rest' seems to have become the practice of majority of the people. The situation looks alarming. The whole scenario presents a grim picture. But everything is not yet lost. Things can still be redeemed. All that is required for the purpose is the right kind of education. Higher values of life are needed to re-awaken and re-kindle man's potential for building a value-based society. Education should not merely prepare one for the calling of Human life but also develop character, broaden vision and humanize feelings. No impediment can stand in the way of a person who is motivated by pure intension. Vivekananda College of Education provides value-based education. It lays stress on transforming basic instincts into ennobling virtues. It endeavours to generate creativity, originality and excellence in students. It promotes discipline, instills confidence and infuses sense of responsibility of a good citizen of India & above all of a human being in them.


                                                                                                                                                        HON' BLE CHAIRMAN
                                                                                                                                                        Dr. Sudarshan K. Gupta
                                                                                                                                                        M.Sc; M.Phil;PhD. (Botany)

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News & Events

1. Academic Calendar is Anounced for Session 2016-18

2. Comming Soon......Comming Soon......

3. Comming Soon......Comming Soon......

4. Comming Soon......Comming Soon......

5. Comming Soon......Comming Soon......