LAKHANPUR, KATHUA JAMMU & KASHMIR

           Affilated by University of Jammu, UGC Recognised & Graded by NAAC

Our Vision:


To be a world class Educational Institution in the field of Teacher Education

and to develop innate capabilities and inherent talents of students.

Our Mission:


To recognize education as one of the pious obligations of the human society towards the next generation.

To promote capabilities for inculcating national values and goals as enshrined in the Indian Constitution.

To activate prospective teachers to bring about social & cultural awakening.

To uplift children belonging to socially disadvantageous classes, backward areas and economically weaker sections of the society.

To eradicate illiteracy among girls leading to women empowerment.

Student Registration

First Name :

Last Name :

Country :

Phone Number :

Email :

News & Events

1. Academic Calendar is Anounced for Session 2016-18

2. Comming Soon......Comming Soon......

3. Comming Soon......Comming Soon......

4. Comming Soon......Comming Soon......

5. Comming Soon......Comming Soon......